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'Cancel Debt' Are the Words of Knowing Thieves and Brainless Lemmings Led By Knowing Thieves

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Leisa Thompson/The Ann Arbor News via AP, File

“Cancel police! Cancel student loans! Cancel all bills! Cancel work! Free houses for all! Playtime for all!” These are not words overheard near a group of obnoxious high schoolers, these are the political calls of the modern left. “FREE! FREE! FREE! Everything should be FREE!” These are your elected officials.


“Money doesn’t grow on trees, naive one,” you might say to an immature teenager who asks for free stuff. But what do you say to a fuzzy-brained adult making the same demands, who also happens to have power over your wallet?

An unthinkable conundrum is our reality: the dumbest people in your high school class are now in political power, making the same thoughtless demands they made back when you thought it was just their hormones. 

“I don’t feel like paying my debts because it’s too hard,” is the summary of their I WANT FREE STUFF demand du jour. 

“OK, so who should pay your debts?” you ask. “That’s selfish and racist,” is the response. Seriously. 

This would all be a fantastical, hysterical story, if it were not real.

In anticipation of Biden’s looming presidency, leftists began organizing their FREE STUFF priority lists. On the top of many lists you will find cancellation of student loan debt and free healthcare. Where do they think the money will come from? Why, your wallet, of course! Biden is expected to raise taxes to pay for that “free” stuff. 

Never forget this: the understanding that they must take money from the working to pay for the debts of those not working (or not earning as much) — is in itself proof that they know “free” or “cancel” is a lie. There is no such thing as free because someone always pays for it, and leftists know this. That’s why they call to raise taxes “on the rich” — a puffed lie because it is not wealth that is taxed yearly, but earnings, income, work product. It is work that is taxed, not “wealth.” 


The cunning leftist thieves in charge know what they are doing — committing theft. And like all good thieves, they lie to cover it up. Their constituency, mentally debilitated after years of brainwashing and indoctrination in leftist-run schools, doesn’t ask questions; the lemmings trust and follow and echo.

So what can you do? How can you reason with leftists? Short answer — you can’t. How can you make overgrown children see the flaws of their reasoning? Same answer — you can’t. 

Intellectual conservatives have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how to reason with socialist lemmings. There is a narcissistic aspect to the idea that you can figure out a way to change leftist minds. They wasted precious time. Socialist ideology grew like a weed while they were busy using a thesaurus to more authoritatively instruct us on how to argue with the left.

Yes, there were some leftists and Democrats who changed their views. But it wasn’t intellectual conservatives who made that happen, it was the individuals themselves. Those individuals experienced rationality competing with their leftist politics and rationality simply won the internal tug-of-war. 

Past efforts to convince the left of their irrationality are a sunk cost. What’s lost is done. We need to move on.

But I digress. Back to thieves and lemmings. 

If we can’t reason with them, what can we do? We must stop them. There is no middle-ground position on this. A middle ground position with the neoleft means we must take a bunch of steps to the left to meet them half-way on an outlandish demand. Why would we do that? What has middle-ground politics brought us? It’s brought us closer and closer to socialism, which is now threatening us literally at our front door. We can’t afford to let it get any closer. There is no room for negotiation. There is only room for a solid NO.


To “cancel student loan debt” — just say no.

To “free healthcare for all” — just say no.

And so on and so forth.

Don’t negotiate. Just say no. Protect America. 

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