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The Big O Goes for the Big Zero Again

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As the president resumes his “It’s-not-my-fault” presidency-cum-campaign, I’d like to point out to everyone that it’s been 1,401 days since the Democrat-Controlled Senate passed a budget.


I say this because when the Mayan financial calendar runs out on the country this Friday, we’ll be awash in illegal immigrants, downed airliners, out-of-work teachers, Russian missile strikes, Chinese hackers and Aryan Nation terrorists.

And, oh, come on now: We all know that the only real terrorists the White House is worried about are the white supremacists at places like the Family Research Council.

There’s nothing so dangerous to America today as an organization that advances “faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.”

Except, perhaps, Glenn Beck, who still clings bitterly to his gun AND his religion.

While it’s temping to blame the entire financial mess on the president, I subscribe to the Occam’s Razor theory. It says that the most logical explanation, more often than not, is the right one.

Sooooo…that’s why I DO blame the president.

And no. Not any of the Bush presidents, but rather, I blame the Dear Leader, Comrade Barack H. Obama, Esq. & Associates.

As Bertrand Russell once observed about fallacious thinking: “The method of ‘postulating’ what we want has many advantages; they are the same as the advantages of theft over honest toil. Let us leave them to others and proceed with our honest toil.”


This I think sums up Obama’s budget and fiscal policies over the last four years in a nuthouse, err, nutshell.

Because behind all the posturing of the president, the demanding and the breath-holding, nothing better expresses the intellectual theft of Barack Obama than Russell’s observation of the cheapness of substituting postulation of what one wants for actual policy.

That’s why our Demander-in-Chief has not been able to get even a single vote on a “postulated” budget since April 29th, 2009.  

And “paaaahlease”: Spare me the claims that the 2011 kick-the-can contest that’s led to sequestration and has now turned into day 1,401 of The Fiscal Nightmare on Main Street was an actual budget.

Real budgets, honest budgets- budgets that are the result of honest toil rather than theft- those budgets don’t end in the finger pointing, posturing and postulating that the White House is doing over sequestration.

"If you look right now at what our economy needs,” postulated Obama, according to The Hill, “taking $85 billion out of over the next six months, indiscriminately, arbitrarily without any strategy behind it, that's not a smart thing to do. What we should be doing and what I've been calling for repeatedly... is a balanced approach to deficit reduction."


That last part? Oh, yes. That’s the give away. Whenever Obama speaks of “deficit reduction” it means he’s scared.

He’s suddenly turned down the rhetoric on spending more and now is back in favor of a “balanced approach.”

That’s the “theft over honest toil” part; that’s the postulated position of a man who is deathly afraid that the Democrats, once again, won’t give him a single vote on his budget proposals.      

Tax increases typically aren’t bragging points in any campaign. 2014 will be no exception.

The only way that Democrats will get away with hiking taxes again is if some Republicans join them in a majority.

Otherwise, Obama’s fiscal postulations will, once again, fail to get one, single vote- at least in the Senate.

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