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Former F/A-18 Pilot Ryan Graves Provides Bombshell Testimony on UAPs

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AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko

Last Wednesday, we heard sworn congressional testimony that revealed our government is in possession of non-earth origin craft and the intelligent “biologics” that piloted them. Yet, most people seem more interested in discussing the nuance of the Barbie movie. The lack of public inquisitiveness is almost as stunning as the congressional revelations. 


How could the government possibly keep such a stupendous set of facts secret for so long? Do these guys really know what they’re talking about? Would government officials lie about something like this? How is any of this relevant to me and my family? 

Highly credible witnesses like former F/A-18 pilot Ryan Graves have been reporting Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) activity for decades. He also appeared before congress on Wednesday and provided sworn testimony. Graves told Townhall that, though he hasn’t had eyes on a UAP, “for a couple years, I got to observe these things on my radar.” Graves also hosts a popular and fact-driven podcast on the UAP subject called Merged. And, Graves spearheads Americans for Safe Aerospace, a military pilot-led nonprofit focused on UAP. 

The government machine that processes and holds its precious secrets is a leaky and ponderous device that more closely resembles a block of Swiss cheese than the vault at Fort Knox. The problem with keeping a secret is that the only way to truly keep it secure is to murder the only other person who knows it. Eventually, some semblance of the truth surfaces. It’s the nature of reality — we never really get away with anything. 

The prevailing doctrine of mankind as a speck in a lifeless universe is becoming hopelessly threadbare. Just gaze up at the inarticulable magnificence of the created universe. The thought that we’re a cosmic singularity of time, chance, and matter becomes as absurd as the notion that God doesn’t exist.   


How could the government keep secret something so monumental as empirical proof of the fact that we are not alone? Well, it has and it hasn’t. The government has been successful at making Americans disbelieve, discount, or rationalize what is as plain as the nose on your face — that UAPs are out there. Americans believed JFK was murdered by a lone gunman, the Watergate scandal was just about Nixonian corruption, that Donald Trump was somehow implicated in Russian collusion, or that the COVID serum would prevent infection and transmission. 

The government, it seems, lies as a matter of course. 

Wednesday’s hearing by the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security was a giant step forward in dispelling the carefully constructed, decades long, government disinformation narrative about UAP. Graves told Townhall that, “whatever’s happening on the House side is likely six months behind the conversation on the Senate side.”

So, the government seizes, intimidates, and classifies what and who it can. The story, however, transcends the physical objects, and can only be thwarted by similar existential means — a counter narrative. If they can get you to dismiss the unorthodox by making it sound ridiculous, then the intelligence community has achieved far more than just hiding flying saucers and alien bodies, they’ve seized control of your mind.


Careers are at stake and vast sums of money are in play. And, don’t doubt it, parties with a vested interest will do whatever is necessary to maintain control and monetize. David Grusch, a former member of a U.S. Air Force panel on UAP and former employee of the National Geospatial Agency (the agency which manages our nations most sensitive spy satellites) stated before congress on Wednesday that he has personal knowledge of people who have been physically harmed by government operatives seeking to thwart UAP disclosures. 

Grusch made this bombshell statement in response to Representative Mace’s inquiry about the government’s possession of crashed UAP craft and pilots, “biologics came with some of these recoveries…non-human, and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program who I talked to who are still part of the program.” 

And, that wasn’t all. Grusch went on to assert that our government has been in possession of UAP craft since before the 1930’s, that the government is currently actively engaged in a disinformation campaign, and that he can name places and people with direct knowledge and interaction with non-earth origin craft and “biologics.” Grusch also testified that he has personal knowledge of people working on reverse engineering projects who have been injured by the advanced materials. 


In an attempt to discredit Grusch and the other witnesses, Representative Mike Turner (R-OH) stated on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo that the witnesses have no direct knowledge and were speaking about matters of which they know nothing. Grusch’s testimony directly contradicts this, stating he’s personally viewed evidence of UAP activity that was “very disturbing.” Furthermore, former F/A-18 pilot Ryan Graves has personally viewed sensor data of UAP activity in his own cockpit. And, former F/A-18 and Top Gun pilot David Fravor has personally viewed UAP at close proximity during the famous Tic Tac event publicized in 2020.   

Graves said during his opening remarks, “if everyone could see the sensor and video data I witnessed, our national conversation would change.” When asked by Townhall to elaborate, Graves said, “the conversation has been changing and developing over time, but people have a really hard time talking about this…because it still hasn’t processed in their mind yet…even our representatives…who have seen some of this information…things they themselves think is not made with human hands. I think we’re all going through…ontological shock right now and we’re really not sure how to integrate this.” 


In the final analysis, UAPs are real, have been here for quite some time, and pose a real, existential threat to our national security. As Fravor stated, UAPs have exhibited characteristics that make them impervious to our weapons technology. UAPs have the capability of coming, going, and doing whatever they intend, and “there’s nothing you could do about it.”

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