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7 Ways Liberals Are Just As Bad As The People They Hate Most

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

“Words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat, and then act indignant if anyone uses the exact same argument they were using five minutes ago.” — Ann Coulter


“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” -- Ronald Reagan

Liberals are the mirror image of everything they claim to hate. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, their ability to unflinchingly examine their own beliefs is practically non-existent and they are almost incapable of objectively examining the policies they advocate. The more fully people become engulfed by liberalism, the more they embrace political correctness, groupthink, and close-mindedness until their thought process becomes little more than simplistic tribalism.

Liberalism is good, just, and best because it’s liberalism. Conservatism is bad, unjust, and worse because it’s conservatism. End of story.

Seldom do liberals realize that they advocate positions that are just as morally repulsive as the grotesque positions they habitually (and usually incorrectly) attribute to people who disagree with them.

Want some examples?

1) It’s just as bad to accuse people of Islamophobia for being concerned about radical Islam as it is to hate decent, patriotic, peaceful people because they happen to be Muslims. If you can’t acknowledge that there are Muslims who love America and just want to live a good life and there are also Muslims who murder, rape and enslave innocent people because they believe Islam endorses it, then it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you come down on; you don’t have a good grasp on reality.


2) It’s just as bad to support race-based groups like La Raza, MEChA, the New Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network as it is to back the KKK, the Aryan Nation and the American Nazi Party. They may have different levels of societal acceptance, but they’re all race-based groups that are hostile to certain groups of people based on the color of their skin.

3) It’s just as bad to hate men, blame them for everything and accuse them of perpetuating rape culture as it is to hate women and view them as being good for nothing other than having sex, bringing you beer and making you sandwiches. Anyone, male or female, who holds members of the opposite sex in contempt has deep-seated issues that need to be worked through with a psychologist.

4) It’s just as bad to idolize Communists like Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara as it is to idolize Nazis like Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Hermann Goering. They’re both similar ideologies, they both killed tens of millions, and whether an innocent person was sent to his death by a mass murderer like Stalin or a mass murderer like Adolf Eichmann, he’s still dead.

5) It’s just as bad to hate gay Americans for being gay as it is to try to force Christians to unwillingly participate in gay weddings. Just as holding a sign up in front of a gay man’s funeral is an act of hatred, trying to force someone to bake a cake or take pictures at a wedding that goes against his religious beliefs is also an act of hatred.


6) It’s just as bad to support kangaroo courts in colleges that make it easy for men to be falsely accused of rape as it is to be someone who accuses rape victims of having “brought it on themselves” by wearing short skirts. Either way, you’re blaming the victim and making it easier for innocent people to be victimized by the scum of the earth.

7) It's just as bad to hate children and wish ill on them as it is to run the deficit up into the stratosphere. In fact, the person who detests children may be BETTER than the profligate spender because he may at least avoid them, while those who advocate massive spending increases “for the children” are putting our nation’s children in a financial hole so big that it may swallow their entire future.

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