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Harris and Walz' Support Is All Smoke and Mirrors

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

We keep hearing about this supposed broad coalition of support for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, but there’s one glaring problem: it’s all fake.

Since President Trump was dodging bullets in Butler, Pennsylvania, Democrats have been scrambling to sideline Joe Biden and artificially prop up the most astroturfed ticket in modern U.S. history in Harris-Walz. They’ve pulled out all the stops—from rigging debates to avoiding tough interviews—all to dodge accountability for the disasters of the Biden-Harris administration.


In the past week alone, Harris, Walz, and the legacy media have been flaunting endorsements from local Teamsters in nearly every major swing state. Yet, for the first time since Ronald Reagan, the national Teamsters organization has refused to endorse the Democratic ticket.

Why? Because internal Teamsters polling shows President Trump as the clear choice among working-class members by a 2:1 margin. Data reveals that Trump is leading by a staggering 32 points among Teamsters in Walz’s own state of Minnesota!

This is just one of many examples where the Harris-Walz ticket is propped up by a facade of faux support that doesn’t exist. But what else would you expect from a campaign featuring Stolen Valor Tim Walz? Everything they’ve done so far has either been exaggerated or outright fabricated.

Despite overwhelming grassroots support for Trump, it’s still difficult for partisan union bosses to break from over 30 years of political loyalty to the Democrats. So, it’s not surprising that they hesitate to publicly back Trump. But what happens when Democrats don’t even have a leg to stand on with key groups like law enforcement? They will just fabricate endorsements out of thin air and hope no one notices.

Well, we noticed.


Take, for instance, the latest “stunning endorsement” from a group “that normally backs Trump,” Police Leaders for Community Safety. The problem? This group was established only three months ago, in June 2024, and longtime partisan Democrats run it with zero connection to law enforcement. Yikes!

None of this should come as a surprise. Kamala Harris openly supported defunding the police after fundraising for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed out violent protesters during the Minneapolis riots—right here in Tim Walz’s backyard.

All the while, Walz allowed Minneapolis to burn for four consecutive nights as radical BLM and Antifa protesters set the city ablaze. His wife, Gwen, even opened the windows to take in the aroma of burning tires and memorialize the moment. Dare I say it: WEIRD!

It should be no shock that Democrats have lost the support of law enforcement with a ticket like this. But their desperate attempts to fake support only highlight how far they’ll go to project an illusion of broad backing.

It’s no secret that Trump’s personality doesn’t sit well with traditional voters. There’s a perception that he’s unpopular with them. It’s why we’ve seen groups like The Lincoln Project or, more recently, Republicans for Harris.


The only problem? This “movement” is yet another overblown grift.

Recently, a whopping total of 27 “Republicans for Harris” showed up for an event hosted by former Congressman Joe Walsh. Meanwhile, this group is funded by far-left donors to create the illusion of a divided Republican Party when, in reality, the opposite is true.

In Walz’s home state of Minnesota, the Star Tribune, of all news outlets, released a poll showing that more Democrats are crossing over to support Trump and Vance than Republicans are backing Harris and Walz. This is the same paper whose CEO used to work on Walz’s congressional campaign and in his administration as governor.

Not even CNN can spin the fact that while some voters view Trump unfavorably, they still see his presidency as a success—while the Biden-Harris administration is widely regarded as a complete failure.

Rising inflation, unrest in the Middle East, and a border crisis unlike anything we’ve ever seen are all proof of that.

I'm sorry, Gwen Walz, but Americans are ready to turn the page on this administration and return to stronger, safer, and more prosperous times under conservative leadership. However, Republicans must not underestimate the lengths to which Democrats will go to create false perceptions—because in politics, perception is reality.


While the elites spin their narratives and paint these false images, everyday Americans need to ask themselves a simple question:

Was your life better under President Trump, or is it better under the abject failures of the Biden-Harris administration?

It’s really that simple.

Dustin Grage is a Minnesota-based journalist and conservative commentator. You can find his latest work here and subscribe to see future contributions. Follow him on X/Twitter at @GrageDustin.

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