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Democrats Are Terrified of Black People Thinking for Themselves

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

MI have no idea what it’s like to be in Hollywood, I have dignity. And I have no idea what it’s like to be a Democrat, I have a brain. Add to that list things like standards, a conscience, character, a family, friends, love of country, etc., and you begin to see why I’m not a person on the spectrum of leftism. I also can’t stand people who refuse to think for themselves. Democrats, on the other hand, hate people who do that, especially if they are black.

How boring is someone who simply spews talking points? I don’t care which side they fall on, anyone who can’t articulate anything beyond the “what” of an issue is not someone I enjoy having a conversation with. People who haven’t given anything thought as to why they support or oppose a particular issue, sadly, outnumber people who have and vote based on that void. I care less what conclusion someone draws than I do that they actually draw a conclusion, because to do so means they’ve given it some thought. 

You don’t have to be a scholar on something – most of the “wonks” I’ve known are rather difficult to talk with, actually, as they can’t put what they know into terms a normal human being can understand  but that you’ve given it some thought matters. That people draw the wrong conclusions sometimes matters less, that they have thoughts means they can have a discussion and maybe be convinced differently. 

Democrats do all they can to force conformity on their voters. Thinking in no way helps them, so they discourage it. 

As part of this obedience training, “progressive intellectuals” simply declare things to be, over and over again, without providing any proof. “Donald Trump is corrupt and belongs in prison,” is a common mantra on the left. However, if you notice, they never back it up with facts. 

I’m open to the idea that any politician is corrupt, but I need more than the declaration by an interested third party with a bowl haircut pushing an anti-American political agenda to call for prison for anyone. They don’t offer it. They don’t even try. And they don’t let anyone who would ask basic questions of how their declarations within a country mile of them. When was the last time you heard a genuinely contradictory voice in a clip from MSNBC? A decade ago, maybe.

Nowhere is this idea of entitled obedience on display more than in the way Democrats treat black voters. Democrats owned people for the first half of this country’s history, and they’ve spent the second half corralling them to maintain ownership of their votes. Talk about entitlement. 

It’s never portrayed as such, it’s portrayed as “help,” it’s portrayed as “celebrating diversity.” But the loyalty bullied by Democrats of black voters has led to more murders of black people than can be counted, and multi-generational economic oppression. Is there one major city in the country with a large or majority black population where Democrats have had multi-generational control that is not only better off than they were decades ago, but is on an upward trajectory on the quality-of-life scale? You wanna move to St. Louis? Chicago? Philadelphia? Unless you’re a criminal who really wants to up your heroin game, the answer is “no.” And if you’ve got kids who’d have to go into the school systems there, the answer is “HELL NO!”

Nowhere is improved by generational Democratic Party control, with the exception of enclaves of wealthy Democrats, which are usually heavily patrolled by police and private security, often times behind gates.

The reason I thought of this is because an actress I’d never heard of called Jennifer Lewis, on a show I’d never watch because I don’t watch racist shows (Black-ish) went on a rant on a racist radio show about who Republicans are horrible and Donald Trump is a racist. Naturally, she offered no proof, simply declared it to be because she’s been conditioned by burp up Democrat talking points, and the host is as incapable or uninterested in thought as she is. 

Lewis is 67. Imagine living that long and never learning how to think critically or question what you are being spoon fed, just conforming. Her life is better off if she doesn’t question anything, so it’s probably good that she doesn’t have the ability to think critically. But she’s the exception, not the rule. 

Democrats demand obedience or else. Hollywood demands the same. If you are found out to be questioning anything other than your sexuality or gender in Hollywood you will be ruined. 

But obedience is for dogs. Human beings should question everything, even if the ultimate answer is what they were told it was. It’s an important part of life and helps our species make progress. That makes the fact that the people most militant against the idea of questioning anything, demanding obedience the loudest, calling themselves “progressives” so ironic.


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