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Stop Debating the Absurd and Uphold the Rule of Law

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AP Photo/Tom Copeland, File

America is in a dangerous state of transition. To fully appreciate this, consider only the following short list of some of the absurdities we are witnessing today being propounded by what are none other than anarchists operating within our ranks:


·Our nation’s attempt to defend its borders against those trying to enter unlawfully is now called racism;

·Our president’s refusal to deliver his tax returns to congressmen in search of a reason to impeach him is called obstruction of justice;

·Our U.S. attorney general’s refusal to break the law by releasing to the public a fully un-redacted copy of a political hit piece named the Mueller Report is called contempt of Congress;

·Our condemnation of anti-Semitism is Islamophobia;

·Our desire to protect the lives of babies is misogyny;

·Conservatism is Nazism;

·Patriotism is un-American; and

·Treason is patriotism.

America’s response should be to stop giving legitimacy to such absurdities by affording them the dignity of debate and demand that justice be done….now!

Those absurdities listed above are but a few examples of the visible symptoms of the corruption that is weakening our democratic society, as we find ourselves watching the rule of law being surrendered to a corrupt minority that resides among us. While distracting us with the absurd, their corruption is compelling us to accept their anarchy until their tyranny, born of that corruption, can be infused with the power necessary to displace our democracy — the same democracy that elected the president they want deposed.

This isn’t rocket science. Corruption destroys the rule of law, which leads to the lawlessness of anarchy. Anarchy then gives birth to tyranny that supplants democracy. And that tyranny, once in place, then begets further corruption to enable those in power to retain it, and eventually even corrupts those who at first would resist it. Put succinctly:


"Power not only corrupts he who wields the power but those who submit to it. Those who grovel at the feet of power betray their fellows to hide themselves behind the cloak of submission. It is an evil thing."  — The Haunted MesaLouis L'Amour.

This is the high-stakes game at play in America’s political arena today, which none should take lightly. In fact, that is exactly why so many patriotic Americans today are truly alarmed by our government’s departure from the rule of law. It presents us with an undeniable and unacceptable truth that remains a thorn in America’s side:

Justice is not being done in America.

Our government officials pay lip service to the rule of law, even as they refuse to prosecute even the most blatant crimes committed by certain important people upon whom their jobs and promotions (and perhaps even kickbacks?) may very well depend.

This governmental hypocrisy has now become a glaring systemic malignancy that must not be allowed to take further root in America, or, like Rome, America will also fall.

If our nation is to remain a powerful example to the world of the impartiality of our laws and justice, we must hold our government’s feet to the fire and insist that going forward, our government will take the path that requires it to enforce all laws with blind impartiality as to all persons without regard to rank.

That is why America needs to demand right now the indictments of those among our elite who have committed crimes that have not only been revealed to the nation, but that just continue to flat out stare us all in the face, untouched.


And for that to happen today, we don’t need any further investigations.

We don’t need any more special counsels.

Nor do we need any more congressional hearings.

Nor any more mock trials conducted for hours on end by radio and cable news show hosts.

These have become dog-and-pony shows that are diversions useful to a government that is already playing a procedural shell game intended to distract the public’s attention away from the fact that it is not fulfilling its constitutional obligations to the American people to ensure that justice is to be equally applied to all.

Names like Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Yates, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Abedin, and Lynch have now been emblazoned in the minds of most Americans. Not only because they are or were powerful, but because they are members of the ruling elites who have allegedly committed crimes for which none of them have been prosecuted.

To be sure, some have lost their jobs, but so what? They otherwise still remain free to move around the country writing books, submitting editorials, giving speeches and tweeting to their heart's content about how our duly elected president and his government should be overthrown and replaced.

And why wouldn’t they?

Notwithstanding the collapse of the Mueller investigation, they all now share a common motive to undermine the president. First, they all know that, while the current president remains in office, they remain vulnerable to prosecution. And beyond that, there can be little doubt that they all also harbor in their hearts at least a flicker of hope that, were a presidential swap to be made possible, a new president less committed to cleaning of the swamp could possibly enable them to be restored once again to their former positions of glory and power.


Thus, their corruption will likely only continue to be encouraged until they are held accountable and shown that even their criminal behavior does not pay well in the end.

In short, our government needs to stop dancing with the absurd, put an end to its hypocrisy and show all Americans we are indeed a nation governed by the rule of law.

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