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Matt Viser Is Still Averse to Journalism

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Democratic Custodial Services – WASHINGTON POST

  • Dutifully repeating the excuses, like a good administration minion.

It is with no shortage of amusement that the Biden team has attempted to explain away the horrendous debate performance with a laundry list of blame tossed around. (Bad makeup from the CNN team – really?!) One of the latest has been offered up by the president himself, and White House lackey/Post reporter Matt Viser is on the case to unquestionably deliver the deflection.

Viser seems disinterested in finding out that Biden had returned from his trip 12 days ahead of the debate. Also, that he spent a week at Camp David preparing for the showdown, and as The New York Times detailed, it was not an intense session. They did not begin until 11 am, and he had an afternoon nap each day.

Stealth Story Evolution – CNN

  • You know, one might think this would be the time to be MORE diligent about the reporting, not less so.

As the Democrats are reacting to things with the same level of grace as a 12-year-old whose Xbox just went up in smoke, the press is looking collectively in shock at what to do. Case in point, Jake Tapper has looked off-balance this week. One example was his coming out with an item about what some Dems are doing in the wake of Biden's debate mushroom cloud.

Tapper put out a thread detailing how Democratic governors were convening on a call to assess Biden's condition, and possibly lean on the administration to pull the ripcord and pull him from the ticket for November.

Then, in a sign of how journalists do not seem to want to learn lessons, Tapper deleted his posts, as his sourced information appears to have been erroneous.

First Amendment Strike Force – THE NEW YORK TIMES

In a hyperactive op-ed following yet another leftist-narrative-shredding SCOTUS ruling, The Times gave its platform to a Columbia professor who was positively melting down. His complaint? The Supreme Court has far too often granted firm protections on free speech. Not content to sound oppressive enough, Professor Tim Wu turns maniacal, as he explains that the real threat of us having unfettered speech is that it threatens the statist complex:

The judiciary needs to realize that the First Amendment is spinning out of control. It is beginning to threaten many of the essential jobs of the state, such as protecting national security and the safety and privacy of its citizens.

Demo-lition Project – LATE NIGHT

Those in the television journalism game are still openly vexed with how to deal with the reality of Greg Gutfeld on FoxNews. They do not seem to want to include his show ("Gutfeld!") in any write-ups of the late-night talk shows, because either he is on a news channel, his show comes on at 10 pm, or he is the lone nocturnal yakker who is not an avowed leftist.

As a result, the ratings for his show are roundly ignored, even as he has been leading in the ratings consistently. The latest figures from the last TV quarter show him still in the lead and toppling even "The Daily Show" despite the vaunted return of Jon Stewart. "Gutfeld!" beat that program with four times the audience size, and even doubled the viewers in the preferred demo.

News Avoidance Syndrome – MSNBC

  • Sex sells! It also distracts!

There is just so much swirling in the news! The debate fallout continues, the Democratic Party is in meltdown mode, SCOTUS is belching out gripping rulings, Trump's indictments continue to be delayed – it is a lot to take in! In the face of all of this turmoil on the left, we suppose it makes sense that Rachel Maddow would prefer NOT to cover any of that. 

So, hey – a solution! Let's trot out the porn star once again; maybe her cleavage will be enough to distract everyone from the utter political collapse taking place!

Anti-Social Media – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • Are you about to have fun? Well, knock it off!

As the Fourth of July is nearly here, Americans are all set to enjoy themselves and celebrate our freedoms with friends and family. This means it is time for that honored tradition in the press: Urinating on all of the enjoyment!

The conflation of selfishness with patriotism is the thing I have the hardest time accepting about our political era. Maybe we have the right to eat a hamburger or drive the biggest truck on the market or fire off bottle rockets deep into the night on the Fourth of July, but it doesn’t make us good Americans to do such things.



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