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Jeffrey Goldberg Tries to Build the Adam Kinzinger Myth

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Townhall Media

"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Artisanally-Crafted Narratives – THE ATLANTIC

Adam Kinzinger has attempted to make a career out of being a loud and avowed critic of Donald Trump and the Republican party. While this has earned him praise, unsurprisingly from the likes of Joe Scarborough or Anderson Cooper, it has not been a career enhancement. 

Jeffrey Goldberg is deeply impressed by the GOP crank, but in his glowing assessment of the troublemaker, he has to use his trademarked method of concocting the truth to make his point. After giving the man plenty of room to spout off his lectures, Golberg makes this daft claim:

- "Kinzinger says he's at peace with the idea that he may be voted out of Congress by his fellow Republicans."

Only problem? Kinzinger is about to lose his seat, not because of GOP machinations, but because the party he has been trying to curry favor from – the Democrats – is poised to eliminate his Illinois district through gerrymandering. Looks like you chose poorly, Adam.

Stealth Story Evolution – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • Sometimes a little anti-semitism slips out…

There was high drama when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was faced with the budget battle last week leading to the funding of the Iron Dome; the missile defense system our ally the state of Israel uses to protect itself from rocket attacks. AOC opposes Israel having this shield – we'll leave it to you to ponder why. 

But she was reduced to sobbing on the House floor over the matter, and she ended up voting PRESENT on the bill in order to avoid angering both her Jewish constituents and those in The Squad who virulently oppose Israel. This is quite the opposite of being a strong and principled politician as she is sold to be, but then that is on-brand for Alex From The Bronx.

The New York Times, in covering the vote, tried desperately to frame this in the best way possible for AOC, but in so doing, they came off a little bit anti-semitic, blaming her strife over the matter on "powerful pro-Israel lobbyists, and rabbis." They later quietly removed that rather inflammatory passage.

Blue-Anon – CNN

With growing apathy toward all the dire dark underworld theorizing, CNN will not let it go – in fact, they are desperate to latch onto it like a pitbull with a turkey leg. As The Big Lie, Q-anon, Mike Lindell, and Trump's reinstatement continue to see dwindling interest, CNN announces that they are starting a new feature where John Avlon will highlight all the latest conspiracy theories on the Right. 

For his premiere streaming episode, Avlon has on fellow network cyber obsessive Donie O'Sullivan to discuss...all manner of gravely reported nonsense that nobody with half a brain follows. But at least it keeps the guys busy, so good luck with your news equivalent of "Chasing Bigfoot."

Reporting on the Mirror – WASHINGTON POST

  • "I mean, they are related, so it is basically the same thing!"

There has been very little in the way of substantive criticism regarding Chris Cuomo spending copious amounts of airtime polishing his brother's resume and performance as governor, having him land book deals and Emmy Awards in the process of bungling his state's Covid response and falsifying death records to hide the numbers of elderly victims he provoked. Also, there was the small matter of his helping Andy's administration with the public messaging of his sex scandal that ultimately toppled the man.

About the only time it is worthy of mention in the press is when it can be framed against opponents, and then the equivalence is used to neuter any controversy. Case in point, Jeremy Barr of the Washington Post managed to invoke the Cuomo's, but only in relation to another family connection he found elsewhere.

Following this line of thought is like trying to follow a running toddler in a busy airline terminal. How are two related individuals at the same network discussing the news – that is, both of them doing the same job – at all comparable to a journalist lending aid to his politician brother? That Barr does not see a distinction speaks volumes.

Body Checking The Fact Checkers – USA TODAY

Beyond the hype of AOC wearing her Chick-Fil-A-inspired Tax The Rich gown, all sorts of outlandish, ridiculous, bizarre, and downright incomprehensible fashions were seen at the ludicrous affair known as The Met Gala. Well, thankfully, USA Today is here to inform us that the person wearing Native American apparel and dripping in blood was NOT from this year's Met Gala, SO DO NOT BE FOOLED! In order to keep the 2021 Met Gala from being falsely impugned, USA Today corrects the record – it was a picture from an older Met Gala, so comparisons are completely irresponsible.

- "The image isn't real – it was altered using photos from a 2019 performance art show and the 2018 Met Gala."

Additionally, the same outlet informs us that a picture of Jason Derulo falling down the stairs at the event is an image from ten years ago and not accurate. Govern yourselves accordingly.


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