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Pastors, Don’t Miss this Moment to Save Lives and Make History

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AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Editor's note: This piece was co-authored by Samuel Green.

Pastors have helped end many of the gravest tragedies in human history by preaching countercultural truths that transform hearts and inspire action. We are once again at a critical moment in history that demands such bold leadership.


Each day in America, thousands of innocent children are intentionally killed before birth. Rather than calling this a “crime,” our nation calls it a “choice.” But that may soon change. Just last month, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the most significant abortion-related case in decades: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. That case presents a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, denying the smallest and most vulnerable human beings the most basic human right – the right to life.

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe and the matter of protecting children in the womb returns to the states, churches will have an opportunity that they haven’t seen in nearly fifty years. Many churchgoers will have a chance to help decide whether unborn children will receive strong legal protection in their state. And in states that provide that life-saving protection, churches will have increased opportunities to come alongside pregnant women in difficult circumstances and help them embrace the gift of life by providing love, hope, and tangible support.

But is the church ready for this historic moment? Thankfully, many pastors have and will gladly urge their congregants to care for those in need and bolster the tremendous efforts of the more than 2,700 pro-life pregnancy centers across the nation – many of which provide free baby supplies like diapers, clothing, and car seats. After all, Jesus taught Christians to care for the “least of these,” and few would object to such charity. But when asked to go further in their care for the very “least of these” by squarely confronting the horrors of abortion and advocating to save the lives of children who have no voice, some pastors will hesitate.


Notably, many factors that cause this hesitation actually demonstrate the need for pastors to proclaim the truth. The fact that abortion is hotly disputed in politics – making some avoid the topic as too “political” – demonstrates a need for pastors to clearly articulate the biblical truth that human lives are made “in the image of God” and are of infinite worth at all stages of development. The reality that many churchgoers consider themselves “pro-choice” and have even turned to abortion themselves reveals a misunderstanding of God’s Word that could result in additional death and suffering if not corrected. And the presence of women and men in the church experiencing guilt and heartbreak regarding past abortions calls for pastors to lovingly remind their congregations that the grace and forgiveness of God extends to the sin of abortion.

Pastors have an excellent opportunity to bring needed clarity to these matters on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day that many churches will observe on January 16 or 23. As illustrated in a free sample sermon to help pastors lovingly proclaim the truth about life in the womb, there is no shortage of enlightening insights for pastors to share.

For instance, for those wondering whether a pregnant woman’s uterus contains a meaningless mass of cells or a child who is precious in God’s eyes, pastors can note that John the Baptist “leaped for joy” and was “filled with the Holy Spirit” while still in the womb. And they can share about how God directed Samson to become a Nazirite – a person consecrated to God in a unique way – before his birth, which required Samson’s mother to observe a Nazirite’s dietary rules while pregnant with Samson.


For any skeptics, pastors can turn to scientific truths that confirm the Bible’s teachings about the humanity of children in the womb. They can explain that a new human’s unique genetic makeup “is complete from the moment of fertilization” and that children in the womb – like children outside the womb – will develop if simply given time, nutrition, and safety. That developmental process is rapid. In fact, just two months after conception, one will find a child with a head and feet, a brain and a heart that’s been beating for weeks, the capacity to hiccup, and hands that already have fingerprints.

Such eye-opening truths need to be shared. And by sharing them at this pivotal moment in history, pastors and their congregations have a unique opportunity to help end abortion – a human-rights abuse that is the leading cause of death in America. So go and answer God’s call to “seek justice,” “defend the oppressed,” and “open your mouth for the speechless.” In doing so, you can be a hero of history and help save the lives of children – perhaps even some within your church – whose lives are in peril.

Alison Centofante is a pro-life speaker, writer, and activist. Follow Alison on Twitter @AlisonHowardC

Samuel Green serves as President & General Counsel of 
Reason for Life, a pro-life ministry spreading biblical and scientific truths about human life in the womb. Follow Samuel on Twitter @ProLifeSamuel


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