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Confirmed: Trump Is Speaking at CPAC

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be held in Florida this year. A spokesperson for CPAC confirmed on Saturday that former President Trump will once again be a keynote speaker at the event. 


A spokesperson for CPAC confirmed to the New York Post that the former president is expected to speak at the conservative conference on Sunday, Feb. 28. It is expected to be Trump's first public appearance since leaving office. 

Trump has spoken at the annual conference numerous times in the past. 

In 2011, Trump told the crowd of conservative activists what he would do if he ever ran for president and won the election. 

"If I run and if I win, this country will be respected again," said Trump in 2011. 

That year, the celebrity star of "The Apprentice" delivered a pro-business and anti-foreign aid message.

As president, Trump spoke before the conference every year of his four-year term. In 2019, President Trump delivered a two-hour speech at CPAC in what became the longest speech of his presidency. 


While campaigning for the White House, Trump skipped CPAC in 2016, breaking a streak of annual appearances Trump made before the conference. 

CPAC 2021 will be hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Florida. CPAC was moved this year in order to avoid lockdown restrictions in Maryland, where the annual event is traditionally held. 

The event will run from Thursday, Feb. 25 to Sunday, Feb. 28. Among the long list of prominent conservatives scheduled to speak at the event are Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.  

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