
Krauthammer Summarizes Debate: “In One Corner a Robot, in the Other a Cold Fish”

It’s official: Charles Krauthammer is the most cynical and humorless political pundit in the business:

“What a debate. In one corner a robot, in the other a cold fish. For Obama the bar is rather low compared to the first debate — all he has to do is string a few sentences together coherently. To make eye contact with a single sentient human, and show the slightest animation in his face. I think he can do that.”

This clip is laugh out loud hilarious, of course, but the stakes tonight are anything but funny. Indeed, both candidates are under an enormous amount of pressure to perform -- and perform well. As Guy noted in his preview post, this highly unpredictable ‘town hall’ style debate -- in which both candidates will field questions directly from voters -- makes predicting the topics of discussion virtually impossible. Meanwhile, some are already suggesting that if President Obama doesn’t show up ready to go tonight this thing could be over. All eyes -- including Dr. K’s -- will be fixated on this head-to-head matchup.

Stay tuned.