
Out of Touch: Emmys Parodies Plane Crash Hours After Kentucky Tragedy


The Kentucky plane crash happened at 6 a.m. There was plenty of time to alter the intro of the Emmys to something more respectful. It wouldn't have been polished and post-produced, but it would have been polite.

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Update: Ace:

I don't know-- should the intro to the show have been cut? Given how brief and seemingly truncated the Conan plane-crash bit is, it maybe was substantially cut at the 11th hour, to keep the basics of it (plane crash to allow Lost) parody) while keeping the actual plane-crash stuff to a minimum.

There was a horrible disaster last night. But plane crashes are always horrible, and happen on occasion. Should Snakes on a Plane be pulled from theaters, too?

The whole thing isn't outrage-worthy, but it is in poor taste. Even a couple of days' space could have made it more acceptable, but hours after the crash, and from Hollywood-- Sensitivity Capital of the World? The story was all over the news all day, especially TV news, from which much of the Emmy audience likely switched over to find a plane-crash parody. I bet it didn't sit well with a lot of them.