
Ryan for President Buzz Starts Again

Just when you thought the GOP had played all its wild cards, out comes a new report by The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes that says GOP Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin "is strongly considering a run for president."

"Ryan, who has been quietly meeting with political strategists to discuss a bid over the past three months, is on vacation in Colorado discussing a prospective run with his family. Ryan’s concerns about the effects of a presidential campaign – and perhaps a presidency – on his family have been his primary focus as he thinks through his political future."

The report also quotes a radio interview Ryan did for a Wisconsin-based radio host, saying, "Look, the way I see 2012 – we owe it to the country to let them choose the path they want our country to take. And I just have yet to see a strong and principled articulation of the kind of limited government, opportunity society path that we would provide as an alternative to the Obama cradle to grave welfare state.”

According to the article, Ryan really wanted Mitch Daniels to run.

But the Weekly Standard also quotes Ryan's spokesperson: Ryan spokesman Conor Sweeney says his boss has nothing to declare. “While grateful for the continued support and encouragement, Chairman Ryan has not changed his mind.”

In case you were wondering, we've been down this path before. Here's Paul Ryan denying a run for president earlier this year.