
Why the White House Won't Be Happy About Biden's Post-SOTU Polling


President Biden’s State of the Union address failed to give the commander in chief a bump in the polls, despite the media’s rave reviews about his “fiery” and “powerful” performance.

According to a Yahoo News/YouGov survey conducted in the days after, voters were not swayed by the speech.

Before the State of the Union, Trump (45%) and Biden (44%) were statistically tied in a head-to-head 2024 matchup, according to the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll from late January.

They remain tied today, with Trump at 46% and Biden at 44% — a gap that’s well within the poll’s margin of error (2.8%).

Before the speech, 40% of Americans approved of the job Biden was doing as president; 56% disapproved. Today, those numbers are 39% and 55%, respectively. (Yahoo!)

Regarding concerns about Biden’s age, his “vigorous” delivery of the speech (to quote CNN) didn’t change perceptions about the commander in chief either. 

Only 29 percent believe the 81-year-old is fit to serve another term, which is the same as it was in January. A majority, 51 percent, also think the president’s age is a “big problem” that affects his “fitness” on the job, also unchanged since January.

Even though he did make it through the speech, Americans' concerns about the president remain. 

As some pointed out, the Yahoo/YouGov survey wasn't the only poll finding Biden failed to get a bump.