
Stacey Abrams Likens Her Activism to the Plight of Ukraine... Where ID Is Required to Vote

Failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has quite a way with words and she's once again self-aggrandized so much that she fancies herself to be on par with the people of Ukraine fighting back against Putin's invasion.

In an interview on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Wednesday night, Abrams stated that "we are a stronger nation when we allow people to participate. And if we ever doubted that, the war that Putin is waging against Ukraine, President Zelenskyy said — I'm going to paraphrase him probably poorly — he said this isn't a war on Ukraine, this is a war on democracy in Ukraine. When we allow democracy to be overtaken by those who want to choose who can be heard and those choices are not based on anything other than animus or inconvenience, that is wrong," she claimed.

Brushing aside the fact that the only restriction Republicans and the laws they've passed in Georgia and Texas place on elections is that voters be legal, Abrams really seems to think that her quest to make it easier to cheat in elections means she and Ukraine's freedom fighters are on the same level.

Not only is Abrams' claim outrageous, it's poorly researched. Stacey Abrams, someone who's dedicated her career to stripping election integrity measures, is saying she's like the country that requires government ID to vote.

Wednesday's comments from Stacey Abrams are just the latest in a string of self-unaware incidents. First there was Abrams maskless photos in a room full of young students all forced to wear masks, then there were her comments that Americans should be allowed to "legitimately question and criticize" the election system after refusing to concede her 2018 race for governor. Comedy Central may just be the most fitting network for her to appear on going forward.