
YouTube Has Suspended Rand Paul

Republican Senator Dr. Rand Paul was suspended from YouTube Monday night after the tech giant claimed he violated their "misinformation" policies. 

“YouTube said the video violated their policy because of my comments on masks, and that they don’t allow videos that contradict government’s guidance on COVID," Paul told reporters about the situation. “I’m not sure when YouTube became an arm of the government, and I’m not really sure it’s good for journalism to also be an arm of the government without any repercussions or push back." 

For what it's worth, former top Biden advisor Michael Osterholm told CNN last week that cloth masks don't work to stop or slow the spread of the disease. 

Since the beginning of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic last year, Paul has repeatedly taken Dr. Anthony Fauci to task on a number of issues. He's been right and Fauci has been wrong, every single time. 

Editor's note: A previous version of this story said Senator Paul was suspended Tuesday night. It happened Monday night.