
Why 50 Cent Is All In For Trump

Hip hop artist 50 cent has been smacked by the reality of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax plan, suggesting he'd leave New York if the former vice president were elected and those rates went into effect. At the same time, he expressed his support for President Trump for re-election. 

The star, born Curtis James Jackson III, shared an image from a news broadcast showing the “top tax rates by state,” according to Biden’s plan, featuring California (62.6 percent), New Jersey (60 percent), New York state (58 percent), and New York City (62 percent).

“WHAT THE F***! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT, ??‍????F*** NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway. ????‍??I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f**ing mind,” he said.

After accusations of being an Uncle Tom went flying in the comments section, conservative commentator Candace Owens came to his defense and educated the critics about economics. 

"I want to just say something to defend 50 Cent because I am just seeing so much ignorance in his comments from the majority of black people saying they're done with him and it's because he's rich and he's betrayed them," she said on Instagram. "No, it's because he's smart and you're not, OK?"

Owens said those blasting the hip hop artist are only doing so because they didn't learn anything worthwhile in school.

“If you actually believe Joe Biden is only going to raise taxes for people making more than $400,000…you have to be extremely ignorant about economics,” Owens said, adding that she recommends reading Thomas Sowell’s “Trick Down Theory and Tax Cuts for the Rich” to better understand. 



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The school system betrayed you. Not @50cent.

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A comical update: