
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' First Event Together Got Off to a Rocky Start

Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's event with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), his pick for vice president, was heavily delayed after the school they were using for the event in Wilmington, Delaware lost power on Wednesday. 

NBC reporter Mike Memoli told MSNBC the campaign had to use backup generators.

"We understand from the pool reporter inside that there actually is a power outage in the area. You might even be able to hear the very noisy generator that kicked into action behind me," he said. "I saw the lights flickering on and off a little bit. There have been severe storms in this area over the last week, especially in this particular area. I saw some trees uprooted actually into a neighbor’s house on the street where Biden lives. So power has been an issue here, as I know it has been in parts of New York."

CNN noted how the building air conditioning went out as well.

President Trump's reelection campaign took to Twitter to mock the Biden-Harris event's poor start.