
Joe Biden's Son Is About to be Yanked Front and Center Over Ukraine Ties

It's an issue that Joe Biden hasn’t been able to neutralize. How could he? Joe Biden was vice president and tasked with spearheading efforts to root out corruption in Ukraine. His son, Hunter, was placed on the board of an energy company, Burisma, which was under investigation for corruption, being paid $50,000/month to allegedly sell access to top Obama officials at the time. He had no experience in the energy sector.  After this was revealed, one commentator on Fox News boiled it down the Biden camp’s response as "we didn’t do anything wrong, but we’ll never do it again."

That’s not going to kill the story. In fact, the more he was asked about it, the more Joey got flustered. He already has to handle what state he’s in and what office he’s running for this year. Barring something earth-shattering occurring on the convention floor, he’s going to be the nominee. He’s going to be the Democrats’ best hope to boot Trump this November. And he has to be reminded to wear pants every day. Now, the Biden-Burisma ties are about to be put front and center before Congress, as Senate Republicans are about to issue subpoenas relating to this issue (via Politico):

A Senate committee voted on Wednesday to authorize a subpoena as part of a Republican-led investigation targeting former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The party-line vote in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee came amid vigorous objections from Democrats, who have accused their GOP counterparts of aiding Russian disinformation efforts and improperly using the Senate’s resources to boost President Donald Trump’s political fortunes.

 Wednesday’s vote authorizes the committee’s chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, a Democratic public-relations firm that did consulting work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company whose board Hunter Biden sat on. Johnson’s probe focuses on allegations that Blue Star Strategies sought to leverage Biden’s position on the board in order to influence matters at the Obama-era State Department.

“The question I would ask is, what is everybody worried about?” Johnson said. “If there’s nothing there, we’ll find out there’s nothing there. But if there’s something there, the American people need to know that.”


Trump has openly encouraged the Senate’s investigation, and last year he was impeached by the House on charges that he inappropriately pressured Ukraine’s president to announce an investigation into the Bidens over Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma. The president was later acquitted by the Senate.

Yes, we all know that Democratic-led circus act had evidence (and I’m using the phrase very lightly) that was even weaker than the Russian collusion delusion—and there was none in that fiasco. It also distracted the nation from the incoming coronavirus outbreak that was brewing along the liberal Acela Corridor. 

Oh, and there’s also Hunter Biden’s trip he took with his daddy to China, which landed him a billion-dollar contract for his private equity firm. But first, Ukraine. 

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