
Trump Just Made Another Warm Gesture for Michigan Dem Who Credited Him with Saving Her Life

President Trump isn't done helping Detroit Rep. Karen Whitsett, the Michigan Democrat who credited him with helping save her life. It was Trump's endorsement of the drug hydroxychloroquine as a possible COVID-19 treatment, she said, that lifted her from her death bed. For days she was experiencing the worst of the associated symptoms, including shortness of breath and swollen lymph nodes. Yet, less than two hours after she started HCQ, Whitsett said her situation turned around and she felt her first signs of relief.

"If President Trump had not talked about [hydroxychloroquine], it would not be something that's accessible" in Michigan "because of an order that was put down in my state," Whitsett explained on Fox News last week.

On Tuesday, Trump invited Whitsett to the White House to talk about her ordeal and her recovery, where she was able to thank him in person.

Then, in another warm gesture, he offered his own White House physician to treat her Lyme disease if he was available.

"Ask the White House doctor - seriously," he said. "Because Lyme disease can be very, very bad...Is it legal for me to let her use the White House doctor? If it's not, I'll suffer the repercussions, I don't care."

Whitsett explained that she contracted Lyme disease at just five years old and agreed with the president that it is a "horrifying" and painful condition. She's introduced several bills in Michigan that would make it easier for patients with Lyme disease to find treatment.

"I'd like you to see our doctor before you leave, okay?" Trump told her.

I have a feeling this unlikely friendship will continue for some time.