
Former ICE Director To Dems: Have You Consoled The Small Child Or Spouse Of A Fallen Officer?

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Thomas Homan testified before Congress on Friday to explain why the agency under his watch did what they had to do in order to secure the border and save lives. Appearing before hostile Democratic representatives who were clearly there to score political points, Homan proved himself to be courageous, tough, and well quite frankly an American patriot. Watching his testimony made it clear that certain members of Congress were unprepared in dealing with Homan and his staunch defense of American borders as well his support for the men and women of border patrol who risk their lives each day. 

As reported by Nate Madden of The Blaze, Homan's opening statement made it clear from the getgo that he was not going to tolerate any slandering of him and his officers. 

via The Blaze:

"These men and women who chose a life of service to this country deserve better" from both Congress and the media.

"As a 34-year veteran of law enforcement," Homan said, "It is shocking — shocking — to see constant attacks against those that leave the safety and security of their homes every day, put on a Kevlar vest and put a gun on their hip, and risk their own safety to defend this nation."

Homan also noted that the "spirit of the men and women that serve are many times broken" and "their morale is at an all-time low." This is because, he said, "they have to wake up every day and see news reports and comments from representatives in Congress that they're Nazis, white supremacists, that they operate concentration camps, that they knowingly abuse women and children."

Homan also slammed all members of Congress for not wanting to fix the border. "There's no downside on having a secure border; there is no downside on having less illegal immigration; there's no downside on less illegal drugs coming into this country; there's no downside in stopping the bankrolling of criminal cartels in Mexico that smuggle both people and drugs," Homan added. "I don't care if you're a Republican or Democrat, you should want to secure our border."

However, as Madden highlights, perhaps the poignant commentary came when  Homan asked Congress whether they have supported border patrol and their families, particularly after death, in the same way that he has. 

Homan went on to ask if members of Congress critical of federal immigration officers had ever thanked one for serving their country or if they've "ever had to console the small child or spouse of a fallen officer."

"I have," Homan said. "Too many times."

At one point, Rep. Jesus" Chuy" Garcia accused Homan of racism and questioning if he did not care about unaccompanied minors "these children do not look like children that are around you." Homan, of course, rebutted by saying his outrageous his comments were and recalling the time he prayed for a five-year-old Baghdadian who he held after being killed while in Afghanistan.

Homan then defended his comments on Lou Dobbs Friday evening. 

Homan's full testimony, if you have the time, is well worth the watch.