
The Boston Globe Wonders Why Mitt Romney is Waterskiing During the Obamacare Repeal Debate

While our nation's capital is in the grips of a healthcare debate that seems to be never-ending, plenty of private citizens are enjoying their summer as normal. This includes former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has been spotted waterskiing at his lake house in New Hampshire. 

#Repost @maryiromney ··· @mittromney showing the grandkids how it's done

A post shared by Ann Romney (@annromney) on

And for The Boston Globe, for some reason, this is apparently unacceptable. In a series of tweets, the paper seemed to slam Romney, a private citizen, for not being in Washington to debate health care reform. 

The Boston Globe tweeted the article again, this time without the ellipses.

I mean...woo? Mitt Romney is allowed to go waterskiing. He has nothing to do with governing or legislating any longer. He was not elected president in 2012, and his time as governor of Massachusetts ended a decade ago. There's no reason why he should be involved with anything to do with the Obamacare repeal process. He's no longer relevant in the political arena aside from occasionally getting dinner with President Trump. Good lord, let the man live his life. 

Strangely enough, The Boston Globe has not yet published pieces chiding Tom Brady, Dustin Pedroia and Wally the Green Monster for enjoying their summers instead of going to Washington to discuss legislation.