
WikiLeaks Ready to Unveil 'Phase Three' Days Before Election

While Hillary Clinton tries to recover from the latest email bombshell, WikiLeaks is not going away any time soon.

Julian Assange and friends have already done severe damage to Clinton's campaign, exposing her staff's collusion with the media, as well as the Clinton Foundation's seriously shady relationship with the State Department.

That's why this tweet should terrify her.

We have not even finished sifting through the thousands of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, which are entertaining at best, and incriminating at worst. Some of the correspondence, for instance, have showed us that even Clinton's aides were wondering why no one was held accountable for the former secretary of state's unsecure private server.

While we don't know what is included in this upcoming batch of WikiLeaks emails, if history is any indication, Clinton and her allies may not get much sleep this week.