
Top Democrat: Clinton Needed To Disclose Her Pneumonia Diagnosis...Like On The Day She Found Out

During an interview with The New York Times’ Aaron Ross Sorkin, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said that Hillary Clinton should’ve disclosed her pneumonia diagnosis, which occurred last Friday—and that she should release a full medical report to give voters a better picture of her condition, specifically to show that she’s “fully able” to be our next president. He also said he has no doubts that she’s mentally fit to be president of the United States.

Hoyer also said that Hillary did fine during NBC’s presidential forum, which was held on the U.S.S. Intrepid in New York City. Frankly, her answer to how she can be trusted with our national security from a Navy veteran, who had a top-secret information clearance, was inadequate. There’s no good way to spin this. Her server was unsecure and unauthorized; the FBI director said she and her team were extremely careless in handling sensitive material; and Clinton might have not known that documents marked “C” stood for classified, even though she’s an original classification authority.

Yet, back to her health, even Hoyer said that while he understood it was the 9/11 anniversary, she probably shouldn’t have been at the memorial.

“You got pneumonia, you get weak, and she probably shouldn’t have been there [9/11 Memorial], but it was 9/11 and she felt a responsibility to be there; she probably made a judgment of error.”

He then reiterated again that a full medical report on her health should be released.

I think that if she was ill and couldn’t make it to the memorial, there might have been some criticism from the usual characters, though most voters would understand that if you catch pneumonia, it’s probably best to just stay inside. No one would fault her for that, but that’s not what happened. She tried to hide her diagnosis, she wobbled off the curb when she left the memorial early as her motorcade pulled up, and then disappeared for 90 minutes with her whereabouts and condition unknown. Cue the rumor mill. Now, her team is trying to make her look not old and sick, while Trump is closing in on her in the polls and visiting water treatment plants in Flint, Michigan. Clinton’s team is wasting a lot of valuable time because she hid something that isn’t all that big of a deal, but that’s her nature. Nevertheless, it’s undercutting her campaign; I’m fine with that.