
Video: Colbert Mocks Clinton's Cough, Email Revelations

Via the Free Beacon, a few entertaining jabs at the Democratic nominee from CBS' Stephen Colbert. Starting around the (5:40) mark, he advises Clinton not to cough "straight into the mic" when people are questioning her health, then mocked the FBI for releasing its damning email investigation report on the Friday before Labor Day.  "You can’t hide that news more if you welded it inside a lead capsule and fired it into the heart of the sun,” he said, before riffing on the newly-revealed detail that Clinton used at least 13 separate mobile devices during her time at the State Department -- after claiming she only used one. "Thirteen cell phones?  Madam Secretary, tell the truth.  Are you a crack dealer?"  Watch:

We'll have a less humorous follow-up analysis of Mrs. Clinton's email scandal, in light of her new comments, tomorrow.