
Former Canadian Prime Minister Resigns His Parliament Seat

It was a quiet ending for Stephen Harper. After living a life of politics for forty years in Canada, the former prime minister resigned his Calgary House of Commons seat via social media on Friday. This concludes the political career of a Conservative Party member who served as prime minister of Canada for nearly a decade.

Harper’s party lost the majority to the Liberal Party in last October’s election. Liberal candidates won 184 seats to the Conservative’s 99 seats – a decisive victory and well beyond the 170 needed to be in the majority.

In the wake of Harper’s loss, Justin Trudeau has since become the new prime minister of Canada. Unfortunately, the 44 year old PM seems to have people’s attention because of his looks more than his actual policy positions. He has become an idolized figure within the American media.

Since transitioning into the opposition party, Harper had adopted a very low profile – only appearing in the House of Commons for votes. It was long expected he would leave his seat after the election loss. Harper had already stepped down from his leadership position in the Conservative Party, but wanted to be present as his party moved into opposition status.

His political career may be over, but Stephen Harper has big plans in mind for the future. He will be entering the private sector once he launches his global consulting business.