
While in DC: As Conservatives Defend Life at Faith and Freedom Conference, Hillary Keynotes Planned Parenthood Event

Washington, D.C. - Conservative leaders and lawmakers are in the nation's capital on Friday to defend Americans' religious freedom. This year's Road to Majority conference, organized by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, features the likes of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sen. Jeff Sessions and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) kicked off the event by speaking on a somber, yet significant topic - the abortion industry's chilling treatment of unborn babies. Blackburn chairs the House's Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, which is currently investigating the sordid relationship between abortion clinics and StemExpress, a tissue procurement company. She and her fellow panelists have discovered that Planned Parenthood is benefiting from the sale of aborted baby parts.

"The baby is a profit center – whatever the cost," was her somber conclusion.

As conservative leaders like Blackburn defend Americans' right to life at the Road to Majority, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, just a 15-minute drive away.

The pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List notes how Clinton's first major stop as the Democrats' presumptive nominee exposes her radical agenda.

“It’s revealing that Hillary Clinton’s first major stop as the Democratic presumptive nominee would be to Planned Parenthood, the leader of the deep-pocketed abortion industry. Clinton has put abortion at the center of her campaign and has said the ‘unborn person has no constitutional rights.’ With Planned Parenthood’s backing she intends to keep it that way if elected president."

Stay tuned for more coverage from the 2016 Road to Majority.