
Donald Trump Press Conference: "It's Good World Leaders are Rattled...Americans Should Profit from Pipeline"

Donald Trump gave his first press conference since reaching 1,238 delegates in the Republican primary, a feat that some declared impossible.  

There was plenty of headlines from the event in North Dakota, including a response to "rattled" world leaders, an offer to debate Bernie Sanders, and claims that Elizabeth Warren is in no shape or form Native American.

He first responded to news that Barack Obama made earlier on Thursday in which he said that world leaders are "rattled' by the rise of Trump.

He then reaffirmed his position on debating Bernie Sanders. 

He also raised the idea that American people should be given a piece of the profits from the Keystone pipeline.  

Trump upset some of the reporters in the crowd when he called Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas.'  

"I think she's as Native American as I am," he said.