
NARAL Freaks Out Over Doritos Super Bowl Commercial 'Humanizing Fetuses'

If you were one of the millions of Americans who watched Super Bowl 50 Sunday night, you likely noticed two baby-themed ads in the first quarter. One, the “Super Bowl Babies Choir,” was a heartwarming pro-family ad about how winning cities see a rise in births nine months after a Super Bowl victory.

The other was a Doritos ad featuring a mother getting an ultrasound, her Dorito-munching husband, and the baby on the monitor, which eagerly reaches for the Dorito as the husband holds it closer. Eventually, the mother gets upset and throws the chip across the room. The baby then propels itself out of the womb to go after the chip.

You might’ve laughed, you may have thought it was weird, but it’s unlikely you got as upset over it as pro-choice group NARAL did.

#NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50

— NARAL (@NARAL) February 8, 2016

Newsflash, NARAL: Fetuses always turn into babies, thereby making them human from the moment of conception. The source of their outrage is likely because ultrasounds have been one of the most important technological advancements that has helped the pro-life movement, and thus saved countless babies from abortion. Thus, showing an ultrasound on one of the most-watched television events annually does not help their ‘cause.’

As for the first commercial about the spike in births in winning cities, NARAL’s Ohio branch sent out a tweet suggesting women get on birth control.

More Super Bowl babies?!?! Get thee an IUD! #MediaWeLike

— NARAL ProChoice Ohio (@ProChoiceOH) February 8, 2016

In a follow-up tweet, however, the group insisted they liked the ad (and babies!) because they tagged it #MediaWeLike. Could’ve fooled me.