
Mizzou Students Reportedly Arming Themselves With Pepper Spray, Tasers to Protect Blacks, "Safe Space"

According to a social media message being circulated among social justice student groups at the University of Missouri, better known as Mizzou, students are being encouraged to carry pepper spray and tasers to protect their "safe spaces" and blacks.

"Sensitive and confidential info: We're (black students and our closest allies) gonna occupy the bcc from 9am until. We don't want them to feel in control. So we'll hold study hall in our safe place all day and escort ppl wherever they need to be. But don't put this info on any public platform. Let ppl know thru TEXT & DMs only please. Have pepper spray, taser, whatever non-lethal weapon if possible. Help protect our safe space and spread the word so blacks can be protected," the message reads.

Young America's Foundation has the screen grab of the message: 

I spoke to a Mizzou student earlier today who has made their way onto the message list and can confirm its legitimacy. 

Yesterday, students were encouraged to call the police if they heard hurtful or hateful speech. Earlier this week, a Mizzou assistant media professor (who has since resigned) called for the physical removal of a student journalist from the campus "safe space."

Be sure to check out Matt's post about "safe spaces."