
Madeleine Albright: There Would Have Been No Private Email Systems At My State Department

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright appeared in Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, where she said that a private email system from one of her deputies would not be approved (via Politico):

Asked whether she would be concerned if this were not Clinton, Albright said that other State Department officials had done the same thing.

"I think that our government, generally, has to catch up with a variety of ways of using technology these days," she added.

Pressed, however, on whether she would approve her deputy secretary of state to run a private email server, Albright was firm.

"I would not, no," she said.

Then again, Albright added that Clinton had “turned things over,”  she couldn't find any "security breaches" in the emails, and that Clinton has explained herself, so we should move onto other issues.  The last part is laughable. She lied about classified information being sent through that server, and her prevaricating on things as simple as a real apology over this mess will continue to make this a subject of debate among voters and the press.

Given the huge ratings from both debates, it’s safe to assume that the American people are watching the 2016 cycle. They may not be fully invested yet, but it’s certainly on their minds. And a person who skirts the rules on something as serious as national security protocol relating to information deemed top secret is something to be concerned about.