
In Other News: Lois Lerner Has New Personal Hero: Hillary Clinton

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Hillary Clinton tried to explain her decision to use a private email system by pointing out that a private system was simply more “convenient”. Because, really, why would anyone be expected to slightly inconvenience themselves in the name of national security?


There is now speculation that Hillary Clinton may have not only deleted many of her “personal” emails, but the hard drive itself might have been destroyed. Do you feel like Lois Lerner has a new personal hero?

(New York Times)

Russia says it has every right to deploy nuclear weapons to the Crimea peninsula. It looks like Hillary’s reset button has been converted to a launch button.

(Free Beacon)

A Judge has ordered a man to stop smoking cigarettes in his own house. With the exception of Hillary Clinton’s email server, there really isn’t any privacy left in this world.

(Fox 31)

The EPA is warning that coffee might soon be a thing of the past because of global warming. (They really will blame anything on global warming, won’t they?) I’m sure that somehow, this all George W. Bush’s fault.

(Washington Times)

A petition on the White House website is asking Obama to charge 47 Senators with treason for signing that open letter to Iran… Because charging nearly half of the US Senate with treason (for embarrassing the President) is clearly a move dedicated to protecting the American experiment. Right?

(Weasel Zippers)

Oh, and not that it matters, but John Kerry just mentioned that the negotiations with Iran are “not legally binding”. Aside from the fact that this is exactly what Tom Cotton’s “treasonous” letter explained, it also raises a pretty big follow-up question: “If the deal is not binding, then what’s the point?”

(Weasel Zippers)