
In Other News: Libertarian Goes "Michael Moore" Crazy on American Sniper

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Old News: Mitt Romney will not win the Presidency in 2016. Actual News: He’s also decided not to run for President in 2016.

(Fox News)

Sen. Jeff Sessions seems to believe that Loretta Lynch will implement Obama’s executive amnesty. And so, he’s posed the question “Why confirm an Attorney General who will execute unconstitutional policies?”… Um, because King Obama said to do it?

(CNS News)

The White House refuses to negotiate on their executive amnesty… Because, obviously, the word “compromise” means everyone doing things exactly the way Obama would like them done.

(Daily Caller)

The Vice President of a Libertarian organization said that Chris Kyle (an American sniper who protected other troops by killing armed insurgents) is no different than Adam Lanza (psychopathic teenager who murdered defenseless school children in Newtown Connecticut)… Look, Libertarians: When you start making Michael Moore sound contemplative by comparison, you might want to step back and reevaluate your position.


It takes almost $110,000 in annual income to live in Washington DC “comfortably”… Strangely, Liz Warren isn’t outraged over the super-liberal city’s apparent disregard for lower class income earners. But, then again, most of them already vote Democrat, so who cares, right?


There’s a manhunt in Britain for a guy who said some nasty things (on a public bus) about Islam. #JeSuisCharlie lasted about week, right?

(The Telegraph and Argus)