
Ouch: Fox News' Weekend Daytime Show Has More Views Than Every CNN Primetime

Fox News continues to crush CNN and MSNBC in viewership. Recent Nielsen ratings revealed that one of Fox News’ shows, “Cashin’ In,” trounced every single one of CNN’s primetime programs, including "Hunt" and "CNN Films." The real kicker—”Cashin’ In” airs in the middle of the day...on Saturdays.

The show, with host Eric Bolling, had more than one million viewers last Saturday, a larger audience than "CNN Newsroom” and MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” could muster combined. 

As embarrassing as this is for CNN and MSNBC, it should not come as a total surprise. Americans continue to rank Fox News as the most trusted television news source.

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Notice where MSNBC ranks: at the bottom, with only 5 percent of the public's confidence.