
In Other News: Another Hard Drive Crashes Totally by Coincidence

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

The dog ate another hard drive, apparently… It must be something about the possibility of criminal charges that overwhelms government hardware.

(The Blaze)

Some left-wing looney tried to “arrest” Dick Cheney (as a war criminal) during a recent public event. Oddly enough, she didn’t succeed. Lucky for her, Cheney didn’t have immediate access to a shotgun, and the Secret Service has more tolerance for stupidity than most of us.

(Raw Story)

Border patrol agents are beginning to catch diseases that the CDC hasn’t seen in decades. But a little epidemic here or there is (really) a pretty small price to pay for a flood of new undocumented Democrat voters.


Governor Hickenlooper played pool with Obama the other week… And now he’s refusing to house illegal immigrants. Well, Gov, maybe you should have chatted more about immigration during your game of presidential 8 ball. (Or would that have resembled “work” a little too closely for your comfort level?)

(Daily Mail)

Remember that lady that thought Obama would pay for her gasoline and housing? Well… I guess she’s a little let down by Obama’s tenure. My heart just aches for her, as her dreams of dependency slowly slip away…

(Weasel Zippers)