
In Other News: Bipartisanship Gets Creepy on Capitol Hill

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

A recruit for ISIL has earned the nickname “Osama Bin Bieber” because of his resemblance to the teenage pop star… There are now two good reasons to kill this terrorist.


Chelsea Clinton has said that she just doesn’t really care about money… Which is probably true. I mean, she gets paid $600,000 to do nothing for NBC, and lives in a $10 million apartment. I probably wouldn’t worry too much about money either if I didn’t have to.

(NY Daily News)

Democrat and Republican lawmakers held hands and sang a song yesterday. A bipartisan cross-section of Americans have determined that it was decidedly awkward and creepy. If you look closely, it appears that Nancy Pelosi is singing along in her native tongue of Klingon.

(Fox News)

Facebook has decided that ISIL propaganda pages that sell t-shirts, hats, and posters, should not be allowed to operate anymore on the social networking site. I’m just counting down the days until some minority rights organization lead by Barbara Boxer tries to sue Facebook for religious bigotry…


A liberal columnist says that white people should be a “lost” species… Because, ya know, white people are just a bunch of racists who want to wipe other races off the face of the planet. Right?

(Weasel Zippers)

A Burglary suspect logged into his victim’s computer to check Facebook… Then forgot to log out. It turns out that stupidity is a pretty effective tool to combat crime.

(ABC News)