
New Online Conservative University Offers Course on "Sex, Lies & Women’s Studies"

Feminist courses are hard to escape these days on college campuses. Projects and readings suggesting we live in an oppressive patriarchal society are now the norm. Thankfully, however, a new online conservative university is offering an alternative to these misleading messages.

Conservative University was created by Accuracy in Academia (AIA) to combat the liberal feminist ideology present at many universities. It will offer participants six courses taught by impressive leaders in the conservative women's movement:

Karin Agness - President, Network of enlightened Women (NeW)
Mona Charen - Author & Syndicated Columnist
Diana Furchtgott-Roth - Director of economics21 & Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Hadley Heath - Director of Health Policy, Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)
Kate Obenshain - Author & Political Commentator
Star Parker - President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)

The first course, "Sex, Lies & Women's Studies," is launching Friday. Here's a description of the class from AIA's press release.

“Sex, Lies &Women’s Studies,” an alternative resource for female college students, documents the proud tradition, views and heroism of conservative feminists. Its topics range from feminism, pay equality, healthcare freedom, the so-called “War on Women,” history of women’s studies and lack of intellectual diversity on campus, and how to get involved in politics.

You won't find that on any syllabus at a liberal arts college.

I would have loved the chance to take these online courses while a college student. Feminism is meant to be an empowering movement for women - just not one that tramples over men in the process or insists that "women's rights" is equivalent to "free birth control." Hopefully, young women will enroll in Conservative University and learn to embrace the differences between men and women, as well as equip themselves with the tools they need to challenge their teachers' liberal agendas.

Individual classes will be released on a rolling basis for the next six weeks. Also sponsoring "Sex, Lies and Women's Studies" are the Independent Women’s Forum and Network of enlightened Women. Watch the full trailer for the course below and sign up for the truth about feminism!