
Just Seven Percent of Voters Think It's Very Likely Border Will Be Secured Under New House Plan

In case you missed it late last week, the House released an outline for a possible illegal immigration overhaul. As usual, the plan promises the border will be secured before any path to citizenship is granted to millions of people already living in the United States illegally. Although the majority of American voters favor some kind of path to citizenship only after border security, just seven percent think it is very likely the border will be secured by the federal government before an amnesty plan is offered. More from Rasmussen Reports:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a comprehensive immigration reform plan that would give legal status to those who entered the country illegally but have otherwise obeyed the law – if the border is really secured to prevent future illegal immigration. Twenty-five percent (25%) oppose such a plan, while 19% are undecided about it.

That’s the hang-up for immigration reformers because only 33% of voters think it’s even somewhat likely that the federal government will actually secure the border and prevent future illegal immigration if the reform plan is passed by Congress. That includes just seven percent (7%) who say it’s Very Likely. Sixty-one percent (61%) believe the government is unlikely to secure the border, with 28% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

With an election focused on Obamacare coming up this year, Republicans seem to be rethinking efforts to take on immigration reform now. Last weekend, Rep. Paul Ryan hinted that it may not happen at all despite prior rumblings a battle over immigration was imminent. Senate Republicans aren't interested in touching the framework released by the House last week and yesterday, Senator Mitch McConnell declared the illegal immigration issue, "an irresolvable conflict."