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Is It VA Gov. Ralph Northam Or Grand Imperial Wizard Northam?

AP Photo/Steve Helber

We have two milestones. One is that we’ve reached the 50th episode of the Triggered podcast. The other and much more prominent is that President Trump will deliver his second State of the Union address. It’ll be an address that touts the achievements of his administration, the wage growth, the jobs growth, the record low unemployment, and solid performance in the manufacturing sector. I’m sure the Democrats will find some way to turn this into Doom and Gloom Theater.


Yet, across the river, in Virginia, Democrats are more concerned about Gov. Ralph Northam and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, as both men are embroiled in controversies of their own. Both men are Democrats. Both men face fiascos that Democrats and their allies in the liberal media love to report on: sexual assault allegations and racism. Northam’s 1984 yearbook page from his days at Eastern Virginia Medical School shows two people in racist costumes. One is wearing blackface, and the other is in a Ku Klux Klan outfit.

Lt. Gov. Fairfax is facing a 15-year-old sexual assault allegation that wasn’t reported on in The Washington Post and other publications because no one could corroborate the accuser’s story. Now, that person has sought the assistance of the law firm that helped Christine Blasey Ford, who brought forward a sexual assault allegation against now-sitting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which also couldn’t be corroborated. There were also more holes in the story concerning the timeline than a slice of Swiss cheese. But Kavanaugh was a Trump nominee and a conservative jurist. The journalistic ethics exhibited with Fairfax were not applied. Alas, we have the age-old game of double standards concerning these stories.


As for Northam, he first apologized for the racist photo, admitting to being in it (though he didn't specify which person), but then retracted his apology and said that while he isn’t in the controversial picture, he did engage in blackface as part of a dance competition where he dressed as Michael Jackson. So, his defense is ‘I didn’t do blackface…but I did blackface.’ I’m not in that photo, but there was this other time, not pictured, that I did darken my face. Dear lord, folks. 

This could have far-reaching implications for upcoming legislative races, though those are a long ways away. Still, Northam refuses to resign, despite virtually his entire party calling for him to do so. Fairfax has accused the Northam camp of leaking the sexual assault allegation in order to prevent him from taking over should the governor resign. And all of this while Northam’s approval numbers tank, though 50 percent of Democrats in the state still support him. At the same time, Northam has seen a 47-point drop with independents. Hey, when it turns out the anti-racist candidate who played the race card against Republican Ed Gillespie during the 2017 gubernatorial turns out to be a total fraud on the subject, I can see depressed Democrats across the state, especially if Northam stays.


So, is it Governor Northam or grand imperial wizard blackface? This whole story warrants another viewing of the Clayton Bigsby skit from Chappelle’s Show.

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