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There's Been Some Movement in Latest New Hampshire Poll

With less than two weeks to the New Hampshire primary, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has gained ground in a new Emerson College survey released Thursday, while former President Trump lost some support.


The 45th president is still in the lead with 44 percent support in the Emerson College Polling/WHDH New Hampshire poll, with Haley trailing at 28 percent, which is a 10-point increase for her since November. Trump’s November support, meanwhile, was at 49 percent. 

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who dropped out of the race on Wednesday, was at 12 percent, followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at 7 percent, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 4 percent. Five percent were undecided.

  • Trump’s support is highest among young Republicans: 54% of voters under 30 support Trump, while 20% support Haley, 8% Christie, 6% DeSantis, and 6% Ramaswamy.
  • Trump leads Haley among male Republican Primary voters by eleven points, 42% to 31%, and by 20 points among women Republican Primary voters, 46% to 26%.
  • Among the 12% of Chris Christie’s supporters, 52% name Nikki Haley as their second choice, 12% Hutchinson 10% DeSantis; 16% are undecided. (Emerson College Polling)

“Haley’s support has grown in New Hampshire from 4% in August to 28% with under two weeks until the primary,” said Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, in a statement. “Haley’s base is among older voters, independent voters, and those with postgraduate degrees. Haley leads Trump 38% to 35% among those over 70, leads among voters with postgraduate degrees, 40% to 31%, and among independent voters, 37% to 31%.”

The Granite State’s Republican primary is set for January 23. 


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