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BLM Activists Defend Rioting in Chicago

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

The violence in Chicago was so severe this weekend that city officials had to lift the drawbridges and close freeway exits to prevent access to and further damage to the downtown area the following night. Over 100 people were arrested in the Sunday riots, and over a dozen police officers were injured. Rioters broke into a Tesla dealership, Walgreens, and several other stores.


Yet, if you ask some Black Lives Matter Chicago activists, they'd loot again. The group held a rally on Monday in support of the violent mob that tore up businesses all across the city, likening the looting to "reparations."

"I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats," said BLM organizer Ariel Atkins. "That makes sure that person has clothes. Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance."

In the midst of the violence, some observers have put much of the blame on Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Weeks earlier, she rejected the need for help from the federal government.


Even after the night of unrest, Lightfoot maintained that "this is not an incident that requires the National Guard."

Other Illinois leaders say they're at the end of their rope and it's time to accept the president's offer of help.

“Once again, Illinois government has failed to protect its residents and businesses," Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin urged. "It is time to bring in the National Guard and accept any and all federal assistance to stop the chaos that is destroying our state. No more excuses. No more failures."

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