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Roy Moore: I Will Not Be Heeding Trump's Advice

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Roy Moore heard the president's request that he sit out the next Alabama Senate race, but he will not be heeding it.

“The president doesn’t control who votes for the United States Senate in Alabama,” Moore told Politico on Wednesday. “People in Alabama are smarter than that. They elect the senator from Alabama, not from Washington, D.C.”


Well, perhaps Moore forgot that the "people in Alabama" rejected him in December 2017, when they voted in his opponent Doug Jones as their next senator. It was the first time a Democrat won a Senate seat in Alabama in 25 years. But Moore apparently thinks Alabamians have softened on him because he's "seriously considering" running again in next fall's election.

Accusations derailed Moore's Senate campaign in 2017. Multiple women accused him of sexually molesting them when they were young girls and he was a thirty something state assistant district attorney. Moore denied the charges and refused to step aside for another, less controversial Republican candidate. At the time, he had the president's blessing. Since the historic defeat, however, Trump has changed his tune.


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