
The Propaganda Presidency

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When President Joe Biden entered the White House on January 20, 2021, it was quite the feat. After all, he had run for president three times, with the last attempt getting him across the finish line, which is why when Biden started making remarks and holding events across the street at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) from a fake White House set, including a replica of the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, it was odd. Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed the space was used to enable Biden to host bigger crowds of people for meetings and events. Recent, former presidents held important remarks and meetings at the White House. Not from a weird, fake Oval Office set across the street. When events were held, simple presidential decor was used, not strange replicas of the real thing. 

But Biden's early use of props at the EEOB was a clue about how other parts of his presidency would be presented to the American people. 

Just days ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, the Democratic National Committee announced President Biden would give remarks from Union Station in Washington, D.C. Thanks to the government's heavy-handed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Union Station was a barren wasteland of homelessness, drug addicts, screaming lunatics, crime and empty storefronts. Three months earlier, Starbucks announced it was closing the station store because the space had become too dangerous for employees. In front of the station, where passengers and dignitaries arrive at the Nation's Capitol, the lawn was riddled with homeless tents and trash. 

On November 2, the place was magically cleaned up, and the homeless were removed for Biden's speech. After all, they weren't going to make him wade through the filth. 

Two months later, Biden finally made his way to a border town for the first time in his political career. In the weeks prior to his visit to El Paso, thousands of illegal immigrants were sleeping on the streets in frigid conditions due to lack of capacity at crowded shelters, bolstered by Biden's open border policies, which he cruelly claims are "humane." 

"City sidewalks that transformed into makeshift homeless camps as tens of thousands of illegal immigrants were released into downtown El Paso in recent months have been cleared out ahead of President Joe Biden's arrival Sunday," the Washington Examiner reported at the time. "The hundreds of people camped out on individual blocks surrounding the Greyhound Bus Station and Sacred Heart Church have been moved out of eyesight by local El Paso police officers and federal Border Patrol agents, according to four law enforcement officials." 

When asked if the president's visit would give him a clear view of the crisis given the sanitization of the situation, White House Spokesman John Kirby dodged the question and falsely claimed Biden would see a true depiction of the situation. 

"The president is very much looking forward to seeing for himself, first hand, what the border security situation looks like, particularly in El Paso," Kirby said. 

It's one thing to have a place cleaned up for a presidential visit. It's another for the government to completely sanitize the landscape. 

And finally, during a visit to Ukraine this week, President Joe Biden was filmed walking with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy through the streets of Kyiv as missile sirens blared in the background. He, along with the Secret Service, didn't flinch. Coincidentally, those sirens had been absent for days and only re-emerged at the exact time Biden was in the middle of a photo-op. 

"I've been here for the past five days. I have not heard any explosions. I have not heard any air sirens, until about half an hour ago, right when President Biden was in the center of Kyiv," a CNN reporter explained. 

Biden sells himself as authentic, but his presidency has been full of blatant propaganda.