Disinformation Is Democracy

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Paul Pelosi’s bizarre battle with a hammer-wielding, tighty-whitey bedecked foe, boasting a tawdry history befitting any ANTIFA clown, provides yet another insight into the degeneracy of the legacy media and of every progressive troll circling the septic hole that is American liberalism.

Musk has waded hip deep into the frothing spume that is Twitter and dared to contradict the ever evolving narrative about Paul Pelosi and his nocturnal visitor who he called “David,” during the 911 call, and described the degenerate as a “friend.” 

It may be a far more common occurrence than I imagine, but I’ve never been in the position of having a deranged “friend” break into my home, stripped to his sagging Hanes, to prance through my halls flailing a hammer. Rest assured, my response to a farce on that order would be a volley of 12 gauge slugs. Of course, Paul, being the dutiful progressive, eschewed the use of the immoral tool — a firearm. Instead, he opted to grapple with his nearly nude foe and received a fractured skull for his trouble. 

Reality, having an ironic sense of humor, has provided another cautionary tale for those who preach impotence. Violence can and does come from any quarter and most often unexpectedly. Criminals will always avail themselves of weapons and only a fool cedes the advantage to the evildoer. 

And, even the Speaker’s consort, ensconced in his lavish home isn’t safe from his perverse associations though guarded by privilege, wealth, and power. Paul’s wife is third in line to the presidency, so what does that mean for the rest of us when he can be mauled by a fleshy assailant — the police watching at the door? They don’t want your guns because you’re a threat to other citizens. They want your guns because they’re tools of power, and they cannot abide power that does not emanate from them. 

The real objective of gun-grabbing democrats is a monopoly on violence — not its eradication. 

In any case, for the Pelosis, when it rains it pours. Just a few weeks ago, Paul was arrested and charged with a DUI — a crime of some moral turpitude. This latest episode looks more like a crack in the facade that is the Pelosi household. Corrupt people are often perverse and the Pelosi’s have made tens of millions trading equities on information not widely available to the general public. For most people, this would be classified and prosecuted as insider trading. The Pelosis are typical of progressives who lie and grift to fill their treasure chests, legislating an iron-fisted statism that ensures their own dynasty. 

In the midst of all this Pelosi debauchery, Musk issued a tweet that linked to a blog post about the break-in that was ridiculed as false. Musk deleted the tweet, and, so what? The statist media machine fired the boilers and flew into full outrage, sputtering about the end of democracy — because, “disinformation.” 

As if “disinformation” were the real threat compared to the house of ill repute that is the Pelosi’s residence, and the corrosive influence of the Pelosi ethic. The Pelosis, and every Democrat like them, are existential threats to our democracy. Disinformation is simply a byproduct of the free marketplace of ideas, which forms the bedrock of a democratic republic. The demonization of disinformation is actually an infantilization of the American citizenry. It’s become a euphemism for any thought that threatens the Democrat narrative. 

False information is the purview of statist Democrats, and disinformation is simply a mechanism of control, categorizing competing ideas as verboten. Free speech demands that the government and its surrogates abstain from any action that limits its expression. The First Amendment is explicit on this point. Free speech is so important that even speech that is antithetical to the principles of our democratic republic should be given free reign in public discourse. The people should be the ultimate arbiters of speech, and any superseding government, corporation, or media that usurps this power is de facto fascist. 

Totalitarians censor. Those who lust for power censor. Those who shriek about disinformation are attempting to abridge your civil rights and should be met with the full force of public ire and sanction of the law. 

“If you don’t want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none.” — Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Any media outlet, commentator, talking head, politician, tech oligarch, or government apparatchik that militates about “disinformation” should be viewed with great suspicion. It is almost a certainty they are trying to “hide the nails and wood.” Public discourse is critically important, especially as we near the mid-term election cycle. The forces of oppression are frantically working to suppress information and undermine the efficacy of the franchise. 

It’s important to know what the Pelosi’s are really up to, and who they really are. We allow deceivers to lead our country to our own peril. The lie is always on the side of evil, and evil ever seeks to expand its kingdom of slaves. Look around and vote for the truth-tellers. In my opinion, though Republicans are far from ideal, they’re far better than any Democrat who has aligned with the party of the lie.