To Win Again, Republicans Must Reject Woke Capitalism in Favor of Working-Class Americans

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From the minute most Americans wake up every morning to the moment they close their eyes, corporate America is at the center of their lives. For years, we as a Republican Party have fully embraced the free-market, capitalist principles that have allowed these companies to flourish, in turn lifting up millions of hardworking Americans along the way and empowering them to live the American Dream. Indeed, pure, free-market capitalism must continue to be a core pillar of our Party’s platform.

But of late, there has been a systematic push to inject social change into our economic decision-making process. The same big corporations that make billions of dollars every year on the backs of hard working Americans now want to influence how every one of them thinks, feels, believes, and acts. This is a result of a deliberate and coordinated effort by the mainstream media, Big Tech moguls, the Democrat power structure, and complicit corporations to systematically reshape our country to fit their radical, liberal agenda. 

But it’s clear that average Americans don’t want this. In an NPR poll from April, 57 percent of respondents said they opposed “American companies using their public role, position, or events to influence political, cultural, or social change.” And it’s not just a theoretical situation. Perhaps the most glaring example came in April, when Major League Baseball—falling for the lies of the left about Georgia’s voting bill—moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta. Their decision to move the game to Colorado, a state with more restrictive voting laws, was the height of hypocrisy for the woke capitalist movement. And voters agreed: polling from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution showed 62 percent of registered voters in Georgia opposed the MLB’s decision.

So if the majority of Americans oppose woke corporations pushing a social agenda on them—why does it keep happening more and more? The answer is that they have no financial incentive to stop—because they receive billions of dollars every year from American taxpayers. Yes, the same corporations that make billions in profits on the backs of hardworking American working-class employees also take billions from them in the form of taxpayer-funded handouts while simultaneously imposing a radically liberal set of values and beliefs on them against their will. Let that sink in for a second. 

In Georgia, the same taxpayers that overwhelmingly opposed the MLB’s decision to relocate the All-Star game are on the hook for tax subsidies that benefit the league. Delta, who has opposed the Georgia voting law and similar legislation, has received an estimated $71 billion in subsidies since 2000. Disney, who has recently come under fire for requiring its employees to complete a critical race theory training program, who recently fired an actress for her criticism of woke politics, and who has reinvented much of its own history in the name of “inclusivity,” receives hundreds of millions in film tax credits each year from federal and state governments alike. And Nike – the most infamously woke corporation of them all – gets millions in local handouts. To boot, almost all of these companies get away with paying next to nothing in federal taxes every single year.

If corporate America insists on indoctrinating its employees, forcing its radical social agenda onto the American people, and retaliating against those who don’t fall in line, taxpayers have no responsibility to continue footing the bill. Republican lawmakers at every level must commit to ending the pipeline of taxpayer handouts – and stop enabling the woke corporations that aim to transform American society. Standing firm against multibillion dollar subsidies and tax credits is the only way to send a strong message to the liberal elites: the GOP will not allow woke corporate America to dictate the nation’s values – and we will not allow woke companies to lead us down the radical path to socialism.

Hard working Americans have been proud to dedicate their time, energy, and resources to building this country’s private sector – and creating one of the most robust economies in the world. But these same Americans should not be forced to comply with the pre-approved values of the capitalist elite and their Democrat allies. Put simply, corporate America has no right to govern the opinions and values of the American people. It’s high time that the Republican Party put a stop to their radical agenda – by ending taxpayer handouts to the woke capitalist overlords for good.