20 Things Conservatives Want For Americans

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Conservatives spend a lot of time talking principles, but not as much time as they should telling people what they want to do for the average American. On the other hand, liberals talk incessantly about what conservatives want to do “to” the average American, but almost all of it is wrong. Here’s what conservatives actually want for Americans.

1) A country where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, but isn’t dragged down by an insistence on equal results.

2) A safe neighborhood where you can let your kids go out and play in the front yard without having to worry about them being shot, kidnapped or coerced by gang members.

3) A country as free as possible of illegal aliens who commit crimes, use taxpayer services without paying, take jobs that should go to citizens and drive down wages for Americans.

4) An environment with clean air, clean water and clean soil.

5) The right to worship the God you believe in as you please, without interference from the state, as long as you don’t hurt anyone else.

6) An environment where Americans can reap rewards as large as the market is willing to pay for their particular talents, work ethic or unique skills.

7) The dignity of supporting yourself with a job, free of dependence on the government.

8) A government that will stay out of your way and allow you to reach your full potential free of interference.

9) The freedom to live as you please and do as you please with your property without interference from the government.

10) The ability of parents to be able to send their children to a school, public or private, that best fits their needs.

11) The protection of the world’s foremost military and a government that is willing to use it to insure the safety of American citizens.

12) Medicare and Social Security programs that are financially solvent long-term so they can continue to benefit retirees.

13) The freedom for people to speak their minds without being censored by the government.

14) A decent culture so that children have a chance to grow up without being morally corrupted.

15) A responsible government that keeps order in the streets, protects Americans from crimes, and enforces basic regulations to keep people from being taken advantage of by crooks or unscrupulous businesses.

16) The ability for women to achieve their fullest potential, whether that’s by being a corporate CEO, opening their own business or staying at home as a full time mom.

17) A country where people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

18) Low taxes, so that Americans get to keep more of their hard earned money instead of sending it to the government.

19) A country where everyone from the President of the United to States to the humblest citizen has to obey the same laws or face the same potential penalties for breaking those laws.

20) A fiscally responsible government that takes great care to wisely spend the tax dollars it collects.