Healthcare.gov is Not Even Compliant with the Government’s Own Regulations

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

In the Private sector, not only would Sebelius and Obama be fired over healthcare.gov’s abysmal debut, but they might also be facing Federal investigative probes. Michael Robinson, tech sector extraordinaire, joined the program to discuss the government’s technological double standard.

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Show Prep:

Michael Robinson joined the program to discuss the government’s technological incompetence.

What’s Right with Ransom?

Big Three:

Other News:

Two California residents (surprise) are suing Blue Cross over the policies that were canceled because of Obamacare:(LA Times)

Even the Obama Administration seems to realize that healthcare.gov is just the beginning of Obamacare’s troubles. (CNN)

Wait a minute. . . Cuccinelli waited until Monday to start connecting McAuliffe to Obamacare?(Weekly Standard)

Remember that book, written in 1968, that suggested the world would be in a state of famine by 1975? Well, the WSJ does, and they’re using it to point out the absurdity of the environmental-left. (WSJ)

The Program in its entirety: