2012: God's world in images

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RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- The world pays attention to big, loud things: wars, disasters, spectacles, celebrities, political showdowns.

The people of God often are found in quieter places, doing quieter things. Yes, they respond to wars and disasters, especially if they can help relieve suffering and provide comfort to survivors.

But they go far beyond the countries that dominate the headlines to spread Christ's light and life anywhere people live in darkness.

It might be on the streets of Zambia or on India's railways, where Christian workers aided children in need of shelter and schooling. Or in a south Asian village, where the only Christian family saw their home burned four times by persecutors. It might be on the border of Syria, where Christians helped a heartbroken Muslim widow fleeing the horror of civil war. Perhaps it means noticing people most others ignore: migrant workers in Thailand who need to hear about Jesus or nomadic herders in Mongolia who need access to clean water.

Southern Baptist workers and their ministry partners did all those things in 2012. Click here to see photos of their works of love taken by IMB photographers.

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