Are the inmates running the (public school) asylum?

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Nearly every week, I come across an article where parents in some community are in an uproar over school districts promoting inappropriate sexual materials to our kids. Whether it’s related to homosexual behavior or other age-inappropriate sexual issues, there seem to be school districts across the land intent on sexualizing our kids. 

Honestly, it’s as if there’s an orchestrated public school porn push taking place.

This week’s example can be found in a New York Post article concerning New York City schools.  Under a mandatory “sex ed” curriculum, the department of education wants middle and high school students taught their version of the birds and the bees. 

Sounds harmless enough, so what does that consist of?  Let’s break it down.

First, the curriculum is rightly criticized by child psychiatrist Miriam Grossman for teaching kids that abstinence or using condoms both represent “responsible healthy choices.”  I don’t know about your kids, but if I tell my kids to either abstain from something or go ahead and do it if they want to, they are not going to abstain.

Mixed messages don’t work with children.  You have to be clear and let them know exactly what they can and cannot do.  So let’s not kid ourselves that this is an abstinence message, it is not.  Rather, it’s a green light to start having sex at 11 years of age. 

And look at what else they want to teach our 11 and 12 year olds – the students will be given “risk cards” to rate the “safety” of several activities, which include intercourse with a condom, mutual masturbation, oral sex and anal sex.  (Did I mention that this was for 11 and 12 year olds?)

What about teenagers in high school?  It gets worse.  They’ll be required to go to stores and study condoms – brands, prices and features.  And they’ll be referred to wholesome resources like Columbia University’s Go Ask Alice web site, which includes discussions on different sexual positions, sadomasochism, phone sex, porn stars and bestiality.  Not kidding.  

The alleged “justification” for this porn push, I mean “sex ed,” is to curb unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.  Really?  Since when does telling kids to have sex reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies and STDs?

In reality, it appears to be just another vehicle the government can use to sexualize our children.

And how are public schools doing with teaching our kids what we pay them to teach – “reading, writing, ‘rithmetic” – as they used to say?  Not so good.  We are near the bottom of the list of industrialized countries in performance in these and other important areas (which means our schools are spending valuable teacher time and scarce resources on sex lessons but our kids can’t read). 

Are the inmates running the asylum or what?